Children & Youth
Children and youth are welcome into our community of faith at Bethel.
9am each Sunday (September-May)- Faith Formation Classes
Youth Group (grades 6-12)-Watch for upcoming events in the weekly bulletin
Confirmation Ministry (grades 7-8)-Learn more about our faith and community
VBS (ages 3-grade 5, each summer)-A week set apart to learn and experience Christ's love in a fun environment!
*Nursery and Cry room available at every worship service
9am each Sunday (September-May)- Faith Formation Classes
Youth Group (grades 6-12)-Watch for upcoming events in the weekly bulletin
Confirmation Ministry (grades 7-8)-Learn more about our faith and community
VBS (ages 3-grade 5, each summer)-A week set apart to learn and experience Christ's love in a fun environment!
*Nursery and Cry room available at every worship service